Thursday, March 25, 2010

How To Ask For Money At A Bridal Shower


In many discussions on the internet I met the need / desire by many to create a model aquarium ecosystem. The inescapable conclusion of any discussion on this is that the system in question must take into account a large number of parameters that can not obtain a standard model.
As just one example of some of the parameters to be considered could include:
- fish: the number and species.
- Plants: The number and species.
- average temperature and average daily temperature range that is under the tub.
- various chemical parameters (pH, GH, KH, redox potential, etc. ..).
- the type of light, photoperiod, the emission spectra, the water column, the amount of suspended particles.
- existing biofilms, quantity and quality.
- the background material and if more than one relationship between materials, their condition.

Some of these parameters are very difficult to categorize and analyze (eg bacterial) except on equipment that go well beyond the typical test kits available to hobbyists.
This does not mean that we should be content with the usual patterns like the one on the nitrogen cycle with the steps simplified NH-> NO3-> NO2.

I tried getting information from various sources to sketch a basic template for the main rounds of the aquarium system and came out the following scheme that will surely be improved but that is also a good starting point ...

In the model have not declined in detail in the relations between the various fertilizers or in their interaction with different elements except in the case of iron (FE) that undergoes oxidation by oxygen and this tends to fall.

not evident from the scheme but there are two points where the model is open to external influences:
- feeding the fish: it works on the organic load
- changing the water: it changes the values \u200b\u200bof many of the chemical- physical (eg. trivially the water temperature when the addition is different)
The extension of the model would test materials for months without reaching a comprehensive model for cui in futuro applicherò migliorie al modello solo se le troverò molto significative per successive analisi.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Slimquick Vs Lipo6 Vs Hydroxycut

Test Connection: Unipex

During March 2010 we made two tests on the territory of bites. Unipex one with and one with a stick USB Vodafone.

  • offer residential named WiPeX
  • setup fee: about € 160 (including installation and rental of various materials)
  • Base cost of about € 30 per month (all inclusive) of contract.
  • Connection: good and fast.
  • Who would you recommend? Okay for those who use the Internet at least 2 hours a day. Then we use more and more convenient.
  • More information: Brochure WiPeX
  • Where is it? At the headquarters of Unipex Gonars
  • Key Vodafone USB
  • setup fee: 29 euro purchase key
  • Base cost: 10 € a month for 30 hours at sea
  • Connection: good and fast
  • Who would you recommend? Okay for those who use the Internet for approximately 1 hour per day. If they breached the 30 hours there is a monthly fee of a few tens of cents per hour.
  • More information: Brochure Vodafone
  • Where is it? At Vodafone in Udine Viale Duodo
  • ask PS to the contract with the promotion activation at 29 € and 10 € per month.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Difference Between Ascot And Cravat Ties

Vodafone and Google will test the network super-fast: If it were Morsano Topeka!

From Corriere della Sera: " Topeka Google becomes City: The capital of Kansas will change its name for a whole month to convince Mountain View to select it as a site for testing on broadband fiber optics.

In practice, Google has made it known that will create a super-fast broadband network for 500,000 users to test a proposed network of up to 100 times faster than the existing one.

It has broken the race to be the city chosen in virulence of the strong return of resulting images. Thus the addition of Topeka has decided to issue an order that establishes the name change in hopes that Google will elect Topeka-Google come città per il test.