Monday, August 25, 2008

Descente Ski Jacket Sizes


if you belong to that small circle of people who leave home at least once a month we will certainly happen to see one of these posters, which encourage employees not to accept paid work in black.

I (obviously) some things to consider ....
if one part is right not to work illegally for the interest of all, it is true that I'm going to work for my interest, or any of my family, but not for all others.

Me personally, I have a regular job, but we think those who work in good standing for one reason or another do not find it. Better to be paid in black and unable to eat or be taken for a ride on social insurance "industry" that keep the crème de la crème of beggars on the streets and leave a lot of families who, although older workers are unable to make ends meet of the month?

ok, a black labor does not pay the accident ... Well, the option on the injury on health insurance costs a few francs a month ... how much you pay but at the end of the month with a regular job?
and do not tell me that if you're wrong and you do not have a job the federal government leaves you to die di fame.

altro punto: nell'interesse di tutti? nell'interesse del padrone della piccola-media impresa? quello che magari riesce a tirarsi fuori lo stipendio un mese si e uno no per colpa di tassazioni assurde? o del lavoratore che magari ha un lavoro in regola e il lavoro in nero lo fa solo sporadicamente per far quadrare i conti alla fine del mese?

se sono arrivati a fare una campagna di queste dimensioni è unicamente perché si sono accorti che è un periodo di magra per le casse federali, quindi agitano lo spauracchio del lavoro nero per risanarle.

no al lavoro nero nell'interesse di tutti? dite le cose come stanno, no al lavoro nero nell'interesse di chi ha promosso la campagna!

avrei some suggestions for men who have had the brilliant idea to bring a similar campaign, financed with money of course, the usual poor stupid

1. started not to invest not recommended by anyone with the money of the various speakers, who may not have her in the ass even
2. also started to give some advantage to the middle class, who would run the economy, instead of throwing him money and subsidies to people who did not want to do with it, or simply do not have the right, because he has not paid contributions.
3. try to improve the services offered by the above mentioned social services, so maybe people do not seek alternative solutions when no work is
4. lower prices gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, health insurance, car insurance, public transportation, TV license, post, electricity, and all the services offered by the confederation ... so that citizens do not need to work illegally to pay the federal, cantonal and municipal!

finally, do not condone illegal labor and not to promote him, but you must understand that for many people is a matter of necessity, and that the works could mean more time in more than one meal per week, or a gift birthday for their children.
and if the money that are lacking in funds will be used to buy a new BMW to some other fake invalid or buy some of the toxic dose that does not want to make it, well, long live the black economy!

Clifford Car Remote Reprogram

faciadamerda .... Guinness!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bryer's Frozen Yogert


find Market
then that I felt almost obliged to give the following response:

sell nooses? What are you, an Executioner? a master rope-maker? I'd be interested in a loop of hemp rope treated for the weather (it does not rot). I also have a question: creating them with only one type of knot? If you ever see what is the best node, the person that I have to hang about five feet high is 80 and weighs 75 pounds, and I want hanging from a branch that is at a height of 4 meters. let me know!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Bbq Sandwich How Many Calories?

the Olympics of discord

as the Chinese have done to turn an earthly paradise in their disaster china where people are dying of hunger in so little time?
may not be true that the Chinese are starving ... or maybe they simply covered the buildings and set up some large walls that do not leave out the truth about the miserable conditions they live in the Chinese ... naaah, the discard this hypothesis, because no one would be so sick as to think such a thing ....
so the video below shot by Fuji TV (Japan) is definitely a fake!
... aeh ...