Sunday, March 18, 2007

Do Anpre Paid Turbo Tax

Meno tasse per gli Automobilisti e più tasse per chi lavora in televisione

RAI How can use our money to give to € 1,060,000 Hunziker?! In Italy
an increasingly hungry and in difficulties with the work that is increasingly becoming a mirage even for graduates, RAI will allow you to use our money (the money of poor people) to pay to € 1,060,000 and Hunziker € 750,000 Pippo Baudo !?!!!! RAI
How can justify this shameful act?! Perhaps there are no words.
Some people say that money is justified by the high professionalism of
Hunziker, others argue that they needed to tear it to Mediaset, the fact is that is our money that could otherwise be used (see roads, schools and hospitals).
You could avoid all this with the famous roof of 250 000 €, but you have not done, on the Minister Luigi Nicolais

that you remain the 'Logo PAI


' who had just launched " the roof of 250 000 € for the fees that are charged to the government '

Perhaps the time has come to understand that the right and left (never really existed) are the two wings of the same vulture. The most dangerous thing for this system is that people will wake up from this nightmare, which include fraud for decades and are experiencing serious rebel. Because if it is not a scam, as you might call that a dancer (and singer out of tune) Take, for 5 miserable evening television, a fee of over one million euro ?!?!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Warrior Beads Electra

Sanremo: Più di un milione di euro alla Hunziker

Italy is the country where it is normal for a numero consistente e crescente di persone si qualifica dicendo “faccio televisione”. Ma che lavoro è fare televisione?!
In Italia la gente che ha sudato per prendersi una laurea in medicina o in ingegneria o in qualsiasi altra cosa, si ritrova (quando va bene) con stipendi da fame che sfiorano il ridicolo e dopo decine di anni, quando lo stipendio inizia a crescere, comunque sarà sempre inferiore a quello di un qualsiasi comico televisivo, di un qualsiasi presentatore, di un qualsiasi buffone della televisione. Questa è l’Italia a due velocità dove ci sono differenze abissali tra chi lavora nella televisione e chi lavora fuori. Nella televisione gli stipendi sono altissimi per tutti, il meno bravo prende mediamente 5000 euro al mese, il più bravo arriva anche a 100.000 e più con una serata, ma fuori dalla televisione, nel mondo di chi deve lavorare davvero (anziché fare televisione) gli stipendi sono di un altro tipo. Si parte da meno di 1000 euro al mese per arrivare a circa 1500 euro dopo tantissimi e tantissimi anni di fatica. In Italia non importa se salvi la vita alla gente, non importa se costruisci ponti, strade e ferrovie, non importa se mandi avanti una fabbrica, non importa se fai ricerca, non importa se mandi avanti un paese ( vedi pompieri,tassisti, medici, ingegneri, falegnami, contabili, ricercatori, camerieri, commessi, baristi, poliziotti, informatici, workers, electricians, etc.) your salary will always be ridiculous .. always very low compared to those who make television! It 's so because in Italy is more important than who kicks a football man who saved the life of the people is more important who has ballet, who carries a factory, it is more important who is the comedian / clown who do research is more important than who does the "tronista" of those who work seriously ... of who is a mechanic, electrician, the mailman, the accountant, the cartoonist, the sweeper, the plumber or whatever has to do with television. Any fool on TV (even a Hyena easy) gain more from a director of the factory, more than one doctor, more than a firefighter, more than anyone doing serious work!
It is now fashionable to say "I do television," but what the hell does that mean?!

I say what I mean: it means making the parasite of society, would earn a lot of money for doing nothing to make living on TV, to tell jokes, to insult someone, to present ballets, to tell a football match or to play the clown!

To do these stupid things you really earn a lot ... and this is shameful!

E 'shameful because in this country, teachers and researchers struggle to get to the end of the month! It 'a shame because "the jesters of the TV," to our face, make a living from the King or Queen.

E 1000 € per month are never enough, even more if you work at least eight hours a day and get up at 6 every morning .. and maybe to do that job you had to graduate, you have to study life and the reward was to see the "tronista" illiterate Ferrari turn out dancing ..

perhaps because that is what his work .. wake up late, have fun, work once a month and enjoy life with a lot of money in the bank to the face of who that money does not will never, despite the sweat, the studies, the effort and commitment .. simply because it works in television .. and here we speak of television where everything is easier and where all earn a lot with little effort.

We are poor and vulnerable, they are the rich and powerful. E 'two-speed Italy .. Italy is divided between those inside (television) and who is out ... ... ... ...

but if one day we stopped we all work, who would send out Italy?! Those who work in factories?!? Who would work in hospitals?!?! Who would work in bars?!? Who would build roads and houses?!? Certainly not them "those who make television" ... "those for whom life is just a living room TV" ....