Oblomovizziamoci per un pò...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Confirmation Template Letter To Priest
Preview: Alterra - The alliance of the Three Maxime Chattam
THE AUTHOR - Maxime Chattam, considered the prodigy of the French thriller, only thirty years has many titles success. Alterra with the trilogy, has quickly established itself in the field of fiction for children, obtaining the consent of the public and critics. In France the first two titles were placed at the top of the charts, and the third is currently in the bestseller list.
Cresciuto leggendo libri fantasy e thriller, appassionato lettore di Tolkien e Golding, Maxime Chattam dà vita con L'alleanza dei tre a una saga, quella di "Alterra", ambientata in un mondo in cui gli unici sopravvissuti dotati di caratteristiche "umane" sono i bambini. Una riflessione intorno alla perdita dell'innocenza che ha venduto in Francia più di 200.000 copie.
ALTERRA - The Alliance of the Three
Maxime Chattam
Fazi (Lain)
350 pages approx.
€ 18.50
SYNOPSIS - Nobody had noticed his arrival, and suddenly it is all over the city: a frightening, cold storm. When fourteen year old Matt sees the lie, would like to warn parents to understand what happens if there is a real danger. But is already too late is struck by lightning and loses consciousness.
When she wakes up, alone. The mother and father have disappeared, evaporated neighbors, empty roads · What happened?
Together with his friend Tobias, Matt is desperate to find someone still alive in this New York mute and cold that seems to give hope. Yet the two are not alone: \u200b\u200bstrange presences eyes will follow the movements of ice, strange mutant creatures spy them. The two guys you just have to escape the city.
awaits a wilderness, where nature has taken over completely. They manage to find shelter on an island in the west, with a community of children, "Pan". Their refuge is far from certain, however: why Alterra, the only surviving adult children have now become hunters.
When she wakes up, alone. The mother and father have disappeared, evaporated neighbors, empty roads · What happened?
Together with his friend Tobias, Matt is desperate to find someone still alive in this New York mute and cold that seems to give hope. Yet the two are not alone: \u200b\u200bstrange presences eyes will follow the movements of ice, strange mutant creatures spy them. The two guys you just have to escape the city.
awaits a wilderness, where nature has taken over completely. They manage to find shelter on an island in the west, with a community of children, "Pan". Their refuge is far from certain, however: why Alterra, the only surviving adult children have now become hunters.
can be purchased in bookstores this promising novel from March 25. Lain public in Italy an author who many have called miraculous for the brilliant and fast-paced style, which displaces the fervid imagination of the classic fantasy genre to replace them with a trilogy that blends the thriller and adds a pinch suggestive of anxiety. The Tramma is full of unsettling developments and characters are characterized by a strong fiber and a fearless temperament, despite its dangers. One senses the tension, substantially increasing the dose of curiosity and expectation, and there is some appetite in dealing with stories like this dark and exciting. Not to mention, then cover. I find it magnificent. Dense and resplendent. Excellent combination of elegance and dynamism.
On March 30, the author will be in Italy at the International Book Fair Bologna Children, hosted by the FantasyCamp organized by the University of Rome " La Sapienza "in collaboration with the Fair and will involve major writers and opinion leaders in the fantasy world.
What Size Of Trowel To Use
various Previews
The wait is about to end. The March 22 , finally, the Mondadori bring in all the libraries that the novel was a true publishing phenomenon in America: The transition of Justin Cronin. When I read the preview Blog Keira , I jumped for joy, for two reasons. First reason: the proximity of the date. Second reason: the number of pages, which are well 888 (wow). Prior to motivate my enthusiasm, let's read the story: "The move" is the story of a catastrophic outcome would top secret experiment by the U.S. government, called "Project Noah." In 2016 in a secret base in Colorado, twelve subjects selected from among those sentenced to death for American prisons are used as guinea pigs: they are inoculated with a virus that should enhance the immune system of humans, protecting them from disease and aging. The experiment fails and the twelve men turn into monsters and vampire who escapes from the laboratory virus spreading like wildfire, infecting and killing forty-two million people. The only hope for all humanity, for a short time to extinction, is made up of Amy, a girl of six years that is resistant to the virus and that, thanks to an FBI agent, is saved from a terrible end. Only she has the key to save the world. Literary thriller, but also exciting and novel post-apocalyptic epic chronicle of human endurance in the face of danger all'inimmaginabile unprecedented catastrophe. Much has been said about this novel, in both directions. There were favorable reviews and criticism less inclined to praise, that makes me even more eager to check out the content to form an opinion that can go to agree or disagree with them. Always meglio constatare con i propri occhi che affidarsi ciecamente ai pareri altrui, non trovate? Una volta, tempo addietro, ascoltai un'intervista su Youtube fatta all'autore e ne ebbi un'impressione positivissima. Trovai originale la sua idea e sapiente la sua decisione di conferire alla storia connotati tragici, inquietanti e misteriosi insieme. Senza propendere esclusivamente per un genere narrativo preciso ma giocando con ingredienti diversi. Io, ripeto, non vedo l'ora di immergermi nella lettura per tastarne il grado di qualità. E voi?
Booktrailer :
The Newton Compton, who in recent months to churn out paranormal and urban fantasy to no end, has not yet tired. The March 24 , in fact, you can buy The Charm of the Vampire Alaya Johnson, a new novel of horror, Gothic and fantasy, which promises thrills and action breathtaking. Zephyr is an activist Hollis sensitive to social problems and other processors and teaches in a school night to needy Lower East Side. But wander through the streets of New York at that time can be dangerous, and Zephyr, who is the daughter of a famous vampire hunter, knows it well: under his coat hides a knife by the blade silver blessed to protect themselves from creatures of the night ... When a student, the mysterious and beautiful Amir, asks her to help it fight off a vampire, a notorious mafia boss of blood and drugs that infest the city, you agree that you, ready to fight for a noble cause. But things soon plunged into a daring adventure: Zephyr will find itself dealing with a child by the angelic voice that is also a criminal and a gang of vampires that creates and uses a powerful new drug to the taste of blood. And to make matters worse, he must try to resist the allure of Amir. A fascination of human darkness that has nothing Again ... a love that transcends the boundaries of normal and lands in a dangerous world full of charm and mystery, also has a varied and tough humor contagious irreverence. I'll wait before deciding to buy it. I am becoming demanding and, for the moment, point to other first.
After a day of relaxation, I am ready to give you lots of news and previews. Sit back, so, e. .. Buckle up!
For Once Y - thanks Yuko86 for information - coming Inside Jenna , a novel by Mary E. Pearson . The release is scheduled for March 23 But the network has already broken out a feverish word of mouth. Let's discover the plot: the seventeen year old Jenna Fox, after more than a year coma, wakes up in a body and a mind that finds it hard to recognize. Her parents say that was the victim of a serious car accident, but there are many shortcomings to his identity and the many unresolved questions about his current life. Why his family moved to California at once, leaving everything in Boston? Because her grandmother treated her with inexplicable rudeness? Why do parents forbid them to talk about the sudden move? And why Jenna can remember entire pages of Thoreau's Walden, but back to hardly excerpts disordered memory of his past? Thirsting for truth and restless, the girl tries to regain his past life. Watching movies of childhood, strange memories resurface in his confused mind, and slowly, Jenna realizes that the prisoner of a terrible secret. Mary E. Pearson has built an attractive and credible vision of a dystopian future to explore the area of \u200b\u200bethics and scientific experimentation, the power of biotechnology and the nature of the soul, with delicate poetry and intriguing suspense. This novel is an excellent blend of science fiction, thrillers and adolescent relationships that already passionate American readers. We are faced with a story that's fictional. Jenna Fox is a character who did talk a lot outside of himself, casting a spell on critics and audiences of readers. There is also an official website , interesting and well constructed, which squeezes the heart of the novel to get a single question: Who is Jenna Fox? We are curious to know the answer but we will also have to be patient and wait for it to Jenna to give the same answer. The only possible. How? Letting ourselves be guided by his voice and getting lost in its pages.
booktrailer :
booktrailer :

Booktrailer :
Finally, comes the March 23, for Casini Editore , a new fantasy novel by the grain authentically made in Italy: 436 of Anna Giraldo . It is self-contained adventure that puts a lot of curiosity, especially for the storyline so articulate and intriguing What does a jaguar in the flesh in the heart of London? What are all those memories of a distant past? And the bloody visions that haunt Redl, seventeen came from Italy, hosted in London of his tattered Aunt Daisy? Since it arrived everyone keeps telling her that her light is dazzling, but she does not know what that means. Neither knows why the bony and the David Gray sought in so merciless and violent. Neither knows that the beautiful young and dark mysterious habits and behaviors will be the great love of his life, but also its curse. A battle to the death awaits Redl. It's the battle for his love for his friends, for his life. on the publisher's site, the page dedicated to the novel, you can also enjoy a preview of the first chapter! Where are the Italian authorities to engage in this arduous but exciting task, you must always have an eye on and test the final product. Do not you think?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Cellulitis Of The Knee,when To Go To The Hospital
Preview # 2: Sirens Tricia Rayburn
Booktrailer :
" Q uindi there was an explanation for what happened two years ago, when for the first time I heard the mermaids singing. There was an explanation for what a which I had not wanted to think, but I could not forget. The sky darkened, as if the clouds were precipitated into the sea. regained control of my body and without thinking I dropped on his knees at the bottom of the boat. With your hands resting on the edge, I leaned forward, watching the water a few inches from my face. The rain rippled the surface, yet I could see the bottom clearly, as if the sun shone and the sea was smooth as ice. And then my eyes. I had always considered an indefinable color, either blue or green. At that time, however, perhaps because I watched them carefully for the first time, I seemed different. I seemed to sparkle as two silver coins. Dipped their fingertips into the water, then the wrists, elbows, and while my tears mingled with the rain whispered: - I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry ... "
Tricia Rayburn
Piemme Freeway
504 pagine
18,00 €
Data di pubblicazione : 22 Marzo
SINOSSI - A diciassette anni, Vanessa ha paura di tutto: del buio, delle altezze, dell’oceano… ma per fortuna Justine, la sorella maggiore, è sempre al suo fianco per proteggerla e incoraggiarla. Finché una notte, Justine si tuffa da una scogliera e il suo corpo senza vita riaffiora a miglia di distanza from their holiday home in Winter Harbor, Maine. Vanessa can not be convinced that the death of Justine is accidental, especially after discovering many secrets hiding his sister, who all considered blameless. Then the boy disappears and Justine at the same time the whole town of Winter Harbor begins to count many people drowned, all ended up with an enigmatic smile on his lips. Within a few weeks, Vanessa will discover many things: how she died her sister, the pleasures and risks of love, and something shocking about his own nature ...
vampires, werewolves, angels and now ... sirens. A new Young Adult promising that blends magic mystery, supernatural thriller with a bit of good. The Piemme Freeway, lately, is bringing more and more interesting titles in bookstores, quality. I noticed this book in one of the articles of Kristi (The Story Siren ) and I was in love. I waited inside me that some of our publishing house bought the rights for translation and now I can not disclose that with heartfelt joy the news of the publication. Sirens suggests, in a game of "see-no-see", a plot full of suspance e tocchi dark. Sembra intonare un canto lento e ipnotizzante, direttamente dagli abissi più profondi e inesplorati, custodi di verità sepolte e segreti che scalpitano per essere riportati alla luce. Si tratta del primo capitolo di una trilogia che finisce direttamente in wishlist, naturalmente, con la speranza di poterlo leggere... prima o poi. E voi?
Booktrailer :
Saturday, March 5, 2011
What Kind Of Anons Goggles Do I Have
E tutte quelle storie che vorranno farvi passare per vere.
Non bevetele.
Non credeteci.
Non credeteci mai.
E tutte quelle storie che vorranno farvi passare per vere.
Non bevetele.
Non credeteci.
Non credeteci mai.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Image Of Cyst On Cervix Rupturing
Otocinclus affinis
Dopo averci pensato e ripensato molte volte finalmente ho deciso di aggiungere degli Otocinclus all'acquario. Ho dovuto attendere per un paio di mesi in quanto non erano mai disponibili ma alla fine sono riuscito ad avere tre esemplari che dopo i primi istanti di immobilità, dovuta al trauma del trasloco, sono scomparsi tra la vegetazione. Immaginando una simile reazione ho approfittato dei primi momenti di stasi per scattare delle foto dei nuovi inquilini.
Ho raccolto una serie di informazioni nel web e le ho riassunte in modo da averle sempre a disposizione:
Macrotocinclus affinis (Steindachner, 1877)
Classificazione: Actinopterygii / Siluriformes / Loricariidae / Hypoptopomatinae
length. Max: 5.0 cm SL
Environment: Fresh Water: running water;
pH: 6.0 to 8.0;
dH: 5-19
temp: 20 ° C - 26 ° C
Sexual differences: females are very mature more massive.
Distribution: South America near Rio de Janeiro, Rio Negro and tributaries of the River Meta.
swimming level: Medium and low
Form: The form of this species is reminiscent of a tadpole, the elongated body is crossed by a dark band, and is characterized by a light shade at the belly and a black spotted decoration height of the back fins colorless or pale green. The muzzle is quite long, and the mouth-shaped cup allows animal to the substrate, in areas with strong currents.
Behavior: lives hidden during the day, out searching for food in the twilight hours and at night is often the windows hung vertically or breeding piante.I deposit small amounts of eggs, making them adhere to the substrate or glazing, and this operation is Repeat until he was expelled a certain amount. The eggs, very small, they hatch in 2-3 days, the fry should be fed with worms and larvae, finely chopped or powdered egg yolk. Territorial, living in packs and live well with other species.
in Nature, the specimens living in fresh water rather than rushing and thronging presso formazioni rocciose ricoperte di alghe o si addentano nei meandri della vegetazione subacquea.
Mangiano soprattutto alghe e diatomee. Nutririli con manigme in pastigle per pesci da fondo.
se le alghe non ci sono o sono poche, bisogna integrare la loro dieta con del mangime vegetale, o con della verdura vera e propria: foglie di lattuga, insalata, fettine di zucchine, cetroli, carote, patate (debitamente puliti e sbollentati per farli rimanere a fondo).
Dopo averci pensato e ripensato molte volte finalmente ho deciso di aggiungere degli Otocinclus all'acquario. Ho dovuto attendere per un paio di mesi in quanto non erano mai disponibili ma alla fine sono riuscito ad avere tre esemplari che dopo i primi istanti di immobilità, dovuta al trauma del trasloco, sono scomparsi tra la vegetazione. Immaginando una simile reazione ho approfittato dei primi momenti di stasi per scattare delle foto dei nuovi inquilini.
Macrotocinclus affinis (Steindachner, 1877)
Classificazione: Actinopterygii / Siluriformes / Loricariidae / Hypoptopomatinae
length. Max: 5.0 cm SL
Environment: Fresh Water: running water;
pH: 6.0 to 8.0;
dH: 5-19
temp: 20 ° C - 26 ° C
Sexual differences: females are very mature more massive.
Distribution: South America near Rio de Janeiro, Rio Negro and tributaries of the River Meta.
swimming level: Medium and low
Form: The form of this species is reminiscent of a tadpole, the elongated body is crossed by a dark band, and is characterized by a light shade at the belly and a black spotted decoration height of the back fins colorless or pale green. The muzzle is quite long, and the mouth-shaped cup allows animal to the substrate, in areas with strong currents.
Behavior: lives hidden during the day, out searching for food in the twilight hours and at night is often the windows hung vertically or breeding piante.I deposit small amounts of eggs, making them adhere to the substrate or glazing, and this operation is Repeat until he was expelled a certain amount. The eggs, very small, they hatch in 2-3 days, the fry should be fed with worms and larvae, finely chopped or powdered egg yolk. Territorial, living in packs and live well with other species.
in Nature, the specimens living in fresh water rather than rushing and thronging presso formazioni rocciose ricoperte di alghe o si addentano nei meandri della vegetazione subacquea.
Mangiano soprattutto alghe e diatomee. Nutririli con manigme in pastigle per pesci da fondo.
se le alghe non ci sono o sono poche, bisogna integrare la loro dieta con del mangime vegetale, o con della verdura vera e propria: foglie di lattuga, insalata, fettine di zucchine, cetroli, carote, patate (debitamente puliti e sbollentati per farli rimanere a fondo).
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Can You Put Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Penis
Potatura drastica
I finally decided to make a drastic pruning to aquarium plants, mainly to give more space for fish to swim.
In particular, I lowered the lawn in the center and released the rear area is at the center or right. I take this opportunity to move the stone that was more to the right and I topped that of the center in order to emerge from the vegetation covering it.
For the moment I would not look for any layout but I have unconsciously created a perfect central triangle of the first floor as opposed to a blank area also triangular descending from left to right.
I finally decided to make a drastic pruning to aquarium plants, mainly to give more space for fish to swim.

In particular, I lowered the lawn in the center and released the rear area is at the center or right. I take this opportunity to move the stone that was more to the right and I topped that of the center in order to emerge from the vegetation covering it.
For the moment I would not look for any layout but I have unconsciously created a perfect central triangle of the first floor as opposed to a blank area also triangular descending from left to right.
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Penny Boat Lab Best Design
Il caleidoscopio (dal greco καλειδοσκοπεω) è uno strumento che si serve di specchi e pezzetti di vetro o plastica colorati, per creare infinite strutture simmetriche. La parola fa riferimento alla lingua greca e significa letteralmente "vedere bello".
Se cominciassimo a pensare che per inerzia tutto si distribuisce e si organizza per migliorarci, maybe we would live better and possibly could be my little thought of February ... "Let us go ... we make room for the beauty ... riempiamoci of empty and full of svuotiamoci ..." Sovereign Bank And Chexsystems
Terzo anno
early February Aquarium celebrated its third year since. Looking at the picture of its evolution over the past year I can catch the signs of evolution, having every day under the eyes, it is impossible to see otherwise.
February: 's Eleocharis acicularis in the foreground is developing well and the plants develop lush.
March: In the middle of the first floor of the cuttings are introduced Hemianthus micranthemoides to fill a blank area. The general aesthetics of the aquarium is the same as previous months.
April: The picture above shows the aquarium ESA presented that was certainly the best of shape but it had a layout very well defined. 's Eleocharis acicularis slowly began to recede.
May: The layout presented AAC was the result of careful cleaning and pruning, probably the highest level reached during the year with aesthetic changes to the basic structure. To further differentiate the picture from that presented in the previous contest, I have re-adopted the black background that the lack of depth off the image but has the merit to bring out the colors.
June: The left side of the layout starts to deteriorate due to progressive (now appellant) worsening delle condizioni della Cardamine lyrata.
Luglio: Questa immagine rappresenta una prima pulizia e riorganizzazione del lato sinistro con la rotazione del tronco centrale e relativo arretramento della pietra su cui poggia. E' la prima modifica significativa effettuata da quando l'acquario è stato avviato.
Agosto-Settembre: Ulteriori peggioramenti della Cardamine Lyrata sul lato destro probabilmente aiutati da un tentativo di riduzione del regime di fertilizzazione e dalle alte temperature... il layout ha perso completamente l' impostazione dei mesi precedenti.
Ottobre: l' Eleocharis acicularis è invasa dalle staghorn e continua a regredire in favor of 'Hemianthus micranthemoides.
November: The stabilization of CO2 introduced in early October has contributed to a very rapid increase of vagetazione including Cardamine Lyrata (in net return). Also strong growth in the bush of central Hemianthus micranthemoides that forced a strong weekly pruning.
January (2011): Layout too full. The plants are lush but definitely is stifling all ... this is the premise to a drastic pruning to reorganize the whole.
early February Aquarium celebrated its third year since. Looking at the picture of its evolution over the past year I can catch the signs of evolution, having every day under the eyes, it is impossible to see otherwise.

January (2011): Layout too full. The plants are lush but definitely is stifling all ... this is the premise to a drastic pruning to reorganize the whole.
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Monday, February 21, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Football Kicker Workouts
Black Swan
The Black Swan
The Black Swan
A film by Darren Aronofsky. With Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder. more »Sebastian Stan, Christopher Gartin, Janet Montgomery, Toby Hemingway, Kristina Anapau, Ksenia Solo, Adriene Couvillion, Shaun O'Hagan, Marty Krzywonos, Marcia Jean Kurtz, Deborah Offner, Kurt Froman, Patrick Heusinger, Tim Lacatena, Beth Laufer, Matthew Nadu, Ivan Paricio, Melanie Torres Episode Black Swan. Thriller, 110 min duration. - USA 2010. - 20th Century Fox.
a hustler!
1 to 5
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Original Sit And Spin
that dies for love ♪ ♫
A girl my age in front of a window talking on the phone with her friend crying: "No, this time I can not !"..." not hold the shot, are no longer a little girl ... you know? He left me for ever ... " I wanted to interrupt to say that it is not, that we are stronger than we think, that you do not die for love ... but for the misery of love. The more insensitive the other and deeper and more careful you are ... and maybe it is lucky to be left ... and again: Try to remember all the times that did not go and make a budget, look at your life now and think of it with a smile at the thought ... Dude ... do not depend on one another emotionally and affectively, and draw all men you want ... "But then I thought I would answer: "Who are you?" Let her own business !"... and so I write here and hug every woman and every man who tries this kind of pain ... because it's nice to go home and wait for someone ... or only to be told: "I do not wait, I'm late ..."
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Yeast Infection From A Brazilian Wax
The King's Speech. Hereafter
King's speech
Con Colin Firth , Geoffrey Rush , Helena Bonham Carter , Guy Pearce , Jennifer Ehle . Derek Jacobi , Michael Gambon , Timothy Spall , Anthony Andrews , Filippo Delaunay , Dominic Applewhite , Jasmine Virtue , Max Callum , Tim Downie , James Currie , Harry Sims , Anna Reeve Cook , Mark Barrows , Sean Talo , Dick Ward , Mary Robinson , Naomi Westerman , Freya Wilson , Eve Best . Original title The King's Speech.
emotional shots. From bottom to top indicating royalty and austerity effect "Fisheye" to indicate the psychological loss, focus and zoom to indicate discomfort. Classical techniques of filmmaking but in sync with the syncopated language and precise verbalization of a thought, but disjointed, confused, in the emission of sound. A king who psychologically feel inadequate and responsible, scared, but not cowardly. Perfect interpretation of Colin Firth that myopic eyes and be careful not to depart from its focal point to read the lips of hearing loss as a teacher. The antagonistic relationship of hatred and love that develops between the teacher and the student. The humiliating deficit that can not be a mediocre actor and self-taught King rather redeems itself because it has the discretion, of course, royalty and austerity. A symbiotic relationship that is complemented by a deep friendship and a whole life long. Wonderful music theory tapered spoke with hands of a master-conductor who starts the tool item and then abandons him to his tune. A film to see and hear as we read a score. A movie not to miss in the original language because the word starts with F Father and with P for a stutterer and a speech therapist is a fundamental difference mechanics. The letter F emits air "P" lip ... etc ... and finally, because not all the voice actors have an Italian accent and a voice suited to every character and every actor who play. It is also not a coincidence that the teacher is an Australian, ( the king accuses him of fraud), cultured , who knows Shakespeare by heart, attentive father to child-rearing, caring for his wife and with enormous dignity and heart. A people who politically and by definition is the son of a lesser God, known to be the son of deportees, of prisoners, pirates, gangsters, which the British have long mocked, shunned and called wild.
1 to 5
5 with praise
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Dvrnet Drivers For Windows 7
A film by Clint Eastwood. With Matt Damon, Cecile De France, Joy Mohr, Bryce Dallas Howard, George McLaren. Frankie McLaren, Thierry Neuvic, Marthe Keller, Jay Mohr, Richard Kind, Charlie Creed-Miles, Lyndsey Marshal, Rebekah Staton, Declan Conlon, Marcus Boye, Franz Drameh, Tex Jacks, Taylor Doherty, Mylène Jampanoï, Stéphane Freiss, Laurent Bateau, Steve Schirripa, Joe Bellan, Jenifer Lewis, Tom Beard, Andy Gathergood, Helen Elizabeth, Niamh Cusack, George Costigan, Claire Price, Surinder Duhr, Sean Buckley, Paul Antony-Barber, Selina Cadell, Thomas Price, Céline Sallette, Celia Shuman, Joanna Croll, Jack Bence, Derek Jacobi Drama, duration 129 min. - USA 2010
1 to 5
5 with praise.
A film directed, produced by the great Clint. He even composed the music, as in Gran Torino. But this time very short tracks, just a hint of the plan ... An intense movie, sad, touching, but beautiful, truly beautiful in its simplicity. It does not treat death , but the ' immortality. The awakening restaurateur. The serenity of a good rest . .. and this is what ... good vision.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Right Arm Numbness And Shortness Of Breath
me back in mind ...
An evening at the home of a dear friend, and this is the time machine that brings us back involuntarily at the time of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro. I had just seen the film and by saying hello and introducing those who do not know dressed in 70's, with X that says it is time for revolution, that the TV strap, friends abandoned on the sofas, the pasta is ready, we speak of Italy, China, but always with an ancient atmosphere. Bella. Beautiful because there is complicity generational, though (I defend myself) many years I have not experienced first hand but heard and seen through the experiences of my many brothers. The evening ends with the naturalness and spontaneity family. XX then tries in vain to start the car, but the battery has left because the direction lights turned on ... how long did not happen? For nearly 20years, I think ... We laughed and all the cold to push the car ... the wires to power the battery ... but you remember? It happened every other day ...! Barely knew recognize a battery! The instruction in case of failure ... under the street lights and no one with the glasses ... and laugh away the text as possible to intuit groped for words and complete sentences for more visual experience for optical residue of each ... but I was fine. Suddenly I was with the right people at the right time and I laughed thinking of when we went to the gas station with the course of the tank car is not a reserve, but more, pushing nearly five or six passengers in a 127 to the first gas station and oil, because oil consumption and lose with dignity ... and of those who have only 1,450 pounds for a liter of gasoline. ... there national and two cigarettes on the dashboard, buy loose a few hours before the tobacconist ... the hours spent in the car as the purchase first home ... we were hot, you could read news and yellowed newspaper left on the seat a few months back, we smoke, we kissed and it was thought to the future ... and the future was often the next day ... thank Lu, Lu unknowingly ... (more)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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