Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Preview: Alterra - The alliance of the Three Maxime Chattam

Cresciuto leggendo libri fantasy e thriller, appassionato lettore di Tolkien e Golding, Maxime Chattam dà vita con L'alleanza dei tre a una saga, quella di "Alterra", ambientata in un mondo in cui gli unici sopravvissuti dotati di caratteristiche "umane" sono i bambini. Una riflessione intorno alla perdita dell'innocenza che ha venduto in Francia più di 200.000 copie.

ALTERRA - The Alliance of the Three
Maxime Chattam
Fazi (Lain)
350 pages approx.
€ 18.50

SYNOPSIS - Nobody had noticed his arrival, and suddenly it is all over the city: a frightening, cold storm. When fourteen year old Matt sees the lie, would like to warn parents to understand what happens if there is a real danger. But is already too late is struck by lightning and loses consciousness.
When she wakes up, alone. The mother and father have disappeared, evaporated neighbors, empty roads · What happened?
Together with his friend Tobias, Matt is desperate to find someone still alive in this New York mute and cold that seems to give hope. Yet the two are not alone: \u200b\u200bstrange presences eyes will follow the movements of ice, strange mutant creatures spy them. The two guys you just have to escape the city.
awaits a wilderness, where nature has taken over completely. They manage to find shelter on an island in the west, with a community of children, "Pan". Their refuge is far from certain, however: why Alterra, the only surviving adult children have now become hunters.

can be purchased in bookstores this promising novel from March 25. Lain public in Italy an author who many have called miraculous for the brilliant and fast-paced style, which displaces the fervid imagination of the classic fantasy genre to replace them with a trilogy that blends the thriller and adds a pinch suggestive of anxiety. The Tramma is full of unsettling developments and characters are characterized by a strong fiber and a fearless temperament, despite its dangers. One senses the tension, substantially increasing the dose of curiosity and expectation, and there is some appetite in dealing with stories like this dark and exciting. Not to mention, then cover. I find it magnificent. Dense and resplendent. Excellent combination of elegance and dynamism.

On March 30, the author will be in Italy at the International Book Fair Bologna Children, hosted by the FantasyCamp organized by the University of Rome " La Sapienza "in collaboration with the Fair and will involve major writers and opinion leaders in the fantasy world.

THE AUTHOR - Maxime Chattam, considered the prodigy of the French thriller, only thirty years has many titles success. Alterra with the trilogy, has quickly established itself in the field of fiction for children, obtaining the consent of the public and critics. In France the first two titles were placed at the top of the charts, and the third is currently in the bestseller list.


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