Terzo anno early February Aquarium celebrated its third year since. Looking at the picture of its evolution over the past year I can catch the signs of evolution, having every day under the eyes, it is impossible to see otherwise.
February: 's Eleocharis acicularis in the foreground is developing well and the plants develop lush.
March: In the middle of the first floor of the cuttings are introduced Hemianthus micranthemoides to fill a blank area. The general aesthetics of the aquarium is the same as previous months.
April: The picture above shows the aquarium ESA presented that was certainly the best of shape but it had a layout very well defined. 's Eleocharis acicularis slowly began to recede.
May: The layout presented AAC was the result of careful cleaning and pruning, probably the highest level reached during the year with aesthetic changes to the basic structure. To further differentiate the picture from that presented in the previous contest, I have re-adopted the black background that the lack of depth off the image but has the merit to bring out the colors.
June: The left side of the layout starts to deteriorate due to progressive (now appellant) worsening delle condizioni della Cardamine lyrata.
Luglio: Questa immagine rappresenta una prima pulizia e riorganizzazione del lato sinistro con la rotazione del tronco centrale e relativo arretramento della pietra su cui poggia. E' la prima modifica significativa effettuata da quando l'acquario è stato avviato.
Agosto-Settembre: Ulteriori peggioramenti della Cardamine Lyrata sul lato destro probabilmente aiutati da un tentativo di riduzione del regime di fertilizzazione e dalle alte temperature... il layout ha perso completamente l' impostazione dei mesi precedenti.
Ottobre: l' Eleocharis acicularis è invasa dalle staghorn e continua a regredire in favor of 'Hemianthus micranthemoides.
November: The stabilization of CO2 introduced in early October has contributed to a very rapid increase of vagetazione including Cardamine Lyrata (in net return). Also strong growth in the bush of central Hemianthus micranthemoides that forced a strong weekly pruning.
January (2011): Layout too full. The plants are lush but definitely is stifling all ... this is the premise to a drastic pruning to reorganize the whole.
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