Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Difference Between Ascot And Cravat Ties

Vodafone and Google will test the network super-fast: If it were Morsano Topeka!

From Corriere della Sera: " Topeka Google becomes City: The capital of Kansas will change its name for a whole month to convince Mountain View to select it as a site for testing on broadband fiber optics.

In practice, Google has made it known that will create a super-fast broadband network for 500,000 users to test a proposed network of up to 100 times faster than the existing one.

It has broken the race to be the city chosen in virulence of the strong return of resulting images. Thus the addition of Topeka has decided to issue an order that establishes the name change in hopes that Google will elect Topeka-Google come città per il test.


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