La relativa assenza di alghe, riscontrata in acquario nell'ultimo periodo, mi ha permesso di osservare una relazione diretta fra la pulizia della pompa e l'aumento di alghe (filamentose, staghorn e spot). Per pulizia della pompa non intendo la pulizia del filtro biologico ma della sola pompa e del filtrino meccanico della stessa che consiste in un quadrato da 1cm quadrato di spugna sintetica.
In generale (e semplificando di molto) le alghe sono favorite da un eccesso di ammoniaca (NH3) o ammonio (NH4) causata a sua volta da una scarsa nitrificazione rispetto ad un eccesso of organic pollutants. Nitrification is favored by:
low temperature - low PH
- low O2 (case of competition with other non-nitrifying bacteria and oxygen consumption)
- KH low (drop the PH)
- flow filter (speed) does not appropriate.
Considering that the cleaning of the filter pump protection is an increase of flow velocity and that this increase should be encouraging the oxygenation disadvantage algae is evident that the increase in oxygenation induced by such an entity did not bring benefits .
is supposed to clean the pump is not going to affect parameters such temperature, pH or KH although in reality the change in oxygenation and greater loss of CO2 due to increased flow rate could affect the PH. So everything seems to indicate that after cleaning the velocity of flow becomes excessive and does not allow bacteria to nitrification of NH all this. This fits with the observation that when the water flow slows down due to clogging of biological filter, the general appearance of the tank is better and the water is clear. The same effect is achieved by thoroughly cleaning the aquarium and then manually contributing to the reduction of organic load.
Then the filter is clogged already has a good oxygenation and a speed appropriate to the process of nitrification compared to the load staff present. Certainly, the filter is always working to the limit and undersized but, being an internal filter is difficult to change the ability ...
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