week of intense work in the aquarium ...
beginning of last week I cut the moss infested with filamentous algae getting a double benefit:
- the total eradication of these algae
- improved layout
algae have disappeared completely, not only for cutting runs but also for all the cleaning and correction of the fertilization plan. The result
me encouraged to pursue the project to which there is no grass in the foreground. After trying to accomplish with the 'Utricularia graminifolia, Hemianthus callitricoides and Lilaeopsis brasiliensis that are literally imploded I decided to try the' Eleocharis parvula.
Unfortunately, in the shops near home I found only Eleocharis acicularis grows up to 15 cm instead of up to 7 cm as parvula.
it is always a plant that supports the pruning very well, however I bought a jar to see if I could cultivate in my aquarium.

If the experiment works to replace it with nothing prevents parvula ...
Here are the features of this plant with some comments on various sites:
Eleocharis acicularis ( Tropica No. 133 )
Family: Cyperaceae
Origin: Cosmopolitan
Height: 10
-15 cm Width: 5 + cm
Light: media-intense
Temperature: 15-25 ° C
Hardness: Very sweet - hard
pH: 5-8 Growth : Media
Plant semi-emerged from the long thin pale green leaves, needs a good and constant CO2 and soil fertility. Hold it means getting a 4 cm high grass and dense compact. In Eleocharis acicularis [...] not drop below 6 cm for the effect of waving stalks. For closeups better Eleocharis parvula.
Here the plant after cleaning and removal from the jar:

While I was in the shop I was drawn to a tub of Tetra red head that were sold for Petitella georgia. Since quite a few 'I was looking for this kind of bleak I have not thought about it a lot and I bought it all the group of 7 fish.
I was already informed that this type of tetra there exist three species almost identical and Petitella is not the most readily available.
So when I got home I compared the fish purchased by me with the documentation in my possession that you can find a translation site Vergari and I am convinced that the fish are purchased from me Hemigrammus bleheri.

Here is their card :
Hemigrammus bleheri Mahnert & Géry, 1986
Tetra red head
length. Max: 3.6 cm SL
Environment: Bentopelagico; acque dolci;
pH: 5.0 - 6.0;
dH: 5 - 12
temp: 23°C - 26°C
Distribuzione : Sud America: Rio Negro e affluenti del fiume Meta.
Il risultato dopo avere introdotto le nuove piante e i nuovi pesci nell'acquario è estremamente piacevole.
L'acquario sembra molto più naturale e rilassante.