15/04/2010 The day has been published the results of 'Aquatic Scapers Europe International Aquascaping Contest 2010.
The Italians entered the contest represented the largest group with 19 members to 114.

I attended the event with the evolution of the same aquascape last year and maybe this has affected the result for the standard category last year I was placed on 61 ° 86. 65 ° to 75 this year ... ch a sharp deterioration has left me puzzled ...

Last year, in fact, the layout was deemed incomplete in particular in regard to the first floor. This year I thought I had passed at least the problem ... but the lack of an opinion not allow me to understand what are the shortcomings (and makes me think that the judges have not had much time to do a proper job).
analyzing the details of the scores of the situation is as follows:
| Ranking: 61. place of 86 layouts | 65. place of 75 layouts |
Total: | 56.00 51.50 | of 100 points of 100 points |
Details by Jury | | |
Creativity: | 18.00 17.50 | of 35 points of 35 points |
Layout: | 17.25 15.83 | of 30 points of 30 points |
Condition: | 18.75 16.17 | of 30 points of 30 points |
Photo: | 2.00 of 5 points | 2.00 of 5 points |
Observations on:
- the picture quality has remained the same.
- creativity was considered incomplete
more about the layout - the layout in the opinion of the judges is worse and this is the part that leaves me more puzzled
- the conditions were considered the worst ... and this may be true in some respects.
All in all I would say that at estetico devo ancora lavorare molto e che la qualità della foto sicuramente è migliorabile.
Ecco il dettaglio della vasca e i dati di partecipazione:
Aquascape Title Alveus Fluvialis Decursus
Name (Country) Rudi Giacomini Pilon (Italia)
Tank Size (WxDxH) 100 x 30 x 40 cm Tank Volume 120 l
Sera florena
kent Pro-Plant
PO4 (DIY solution)
K2SO4 solution
Azoo Carbon Plus CO2
CO2-System yes
DIY Yeast CO2
Lightning 1 x Philips Master TL-D Super 80, T5 30 W/865 9h/day
Substrate Akadama (medium size)
Plants Fish & Invertebrates
Anubias barteri var. nana
Cardamine lyrata
Ceratophyllum demersum
Eleocharis acicularis
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Limnophila sessiliflora
Microsorum pteropus
Taxiphyllum barbieri Caridina multidentata (Caridina japonica)
Paracheirodon axelrodi
Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
Hemigrammus bleheri
Physa marmorata
Planorbis spec
3 stones
2 woods

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