The itti Ichthyophthirius multifiliis or more properly, in my opinion one of the worst diseases that can infest an aquarium, and of course did not fail to be alive. E 'commonly referred to as white spot disease because of its most obvious manifestation: the dots of 0.5-1.5 mm in white that are nothing but a parasite that is grafted onto the skin of the fish after they have reached the their natural barriers. You can find a good indication of the problem and suggestions on Acquaportal even if the thread in question is piuttosto datato e le soluzioni riportate non sono attuabili. Ecco un esempio di un esemplare che maggiormente manifestava il problema:

La malattia ha colpito il mio acquario a fine dicembre e in sei giorni il risultato è stato quello di avere cinque Cardinali falciati. Appena identificato il problema (avevo solo un pesce colpito) sono corso al negozio di acquari per cercare dei medicinali adeguati. Mi aspettavo già la risposta (avendone letto qualcosa in merito) ed ho avuto la triste conferma: a causa delle nuove norme di legge nei negozi di acquariofilia non ci sono più in vendita medicinali.
A questo punto sono intervenuto con una soluzione da primo intervento come indicato in vari forum:
- Ho alzato la temperatura dell'acqua a 25 gradi cioè all'interno dell'intervallo che accelera il metabolismo del parassita. Questo dovrebbe teoricamente far si che esso passi più rapidamente alla seconda fase quella in cui si stacca dall'ospite. Ovviamente a questo punto sarebbe ottimale intervenire sulla vasca in modo da impedirgli di continuare i cicli successivi e attaccare nuovi ospiti.
- Ho evitato accuratamente fertilizzazioni, cambi d'acqua e qualsiasi operazione potesse portare stress agli animali e conseguenti indebolimenti del loro sistema immunitario.
Non potevo sperare ovviamente in un risultato immediato ma il decesso di due esemplari in due giorni ed il contagio immediato di quasi tutti i pesci in vasca I was worried.
I tried, therefore, to take one of the most affected specimens and dip it in a solution of water and salt into a different container. The solution in question was to act as a mild pesticide, but has slowed only a few hours of the end of the poor animal.
At that point I tried to mentally summarize some concepts that I learned:
This parasite is almost always present in our tanks but under normal conditions the fish are not immune. This finquando some physical stress lowers their immune system allowing the parasite to encyst on the skin. One of the main reasons given are in fact the sudden thermal shock when water changes. Obviously I'm always
Best of adequate general hygiene of the pool.
Then I tried my remedy starting with a water change carried out in slow motion. This would remove at least as far as possible the harmful substances in excess. I made sure that the thermometer was perfectly stable pouring the water in slow motion and making it move in the tank as it adds.
I paid an extra dose of water conditioner in the tank as one of the benefits of that over the killing of harmful substances, there should be an improvement in the protective mucus of fish.
I purchased and administered immediately hypervitaminic of food, is to vary your diet is to help the immune response fish, and vitamins (Minarolli - eSHa).
In the following days the situation was definitely improving, and although I lost two more units all others survived. I honestly do not believe that without this care would be saved.
remarkable that despite all been hit the Hemmigrammus had no losses ...

I then:
- introduced in the diet food hypervitaminic spacing every 15 days to feed standard already in use.
- continued use of vitamins for another 20 days slowly decreasing the dose and remained ready to reintroduce the first sign of discomfort.
- altered the way in changing the water slowing down the operation which now lasts an hour, taking care to minimize the thermal gradient. I do not think
to reinstate immediately the dead fish because each time I passed the twenty specimens in the tank I had problems of this type. This may indicate that a limit of the tank (or more likely the filter) that fails to support a larger population.
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