Greetings. Naples
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Red Spot On My Tounge
gifts, Gifts
dopo il lucidalabbra allo champagne l'anno scorso...guardate questo!
Certo che voi amiche...siete proprio delle amiche!
Putting Orajel On Genitals
Friulani Politicians Declare: 'Broadband fundamental for development' telematics
Nel dichiarificio quotidiano sulla banda larga, aggiungiamo anche questa importantissima dichiarazione strategica presa dal titolo di un articolo del Messaggero Veneto: « Banda larga fondamentale per lo sviluppo ». Uno o l'altro politico di mezz'età che sicuramente non sa cosa siano Twitter o Android, ha dimostrato però di saper usare frasi ad effetto.
L'articolo non l'abbiamo letto. Ci basta il titolo per rassicurarci. Nel frattempo c'è gente che aveva bisogno della banda larga già 10 anni fa (anni 2000-2001) e di tanto strategica che era la questione, in nearly a decade we are still where we started. If something is strategic is resolved soon, otherwise it means that it is not strategic.
In the region where they make chairs, tables, railings and knobs, of course, broadband is not so strategic. Or if it is, we missed the train now ...
PS in the meantime the government was interested in the situation Pagnacco ( Pagnacco: now collecting signatures for broadband ).
Nel dichiarificio quotidiano sulla banda larga, aggiungiamo anche questa importantissima dichiarazione strategica presa dal titolo di un articolo del Messaggero Veneto: « Banda larga fondamentale per lo sviluppo ». Uno o l'altro politico di mezz'età che sicuramente non sa cosa siano Twitter o Android, ha dimostrato però di saper usare frasi ad effetto.
L'articolo non l'abbiamo letto. Ci basta il titolo per rassicurarci. Nel frattempo c'è gente che aveva bisogno della banda larga già 10 anni fa (anni 2000-2001) e di tanto strategica che era la questione, in nearly a decade we are still where we started. If something is strategic is resolved soon, otherwise it means that it is not strategic.
In the region where they make chairs, tables, railings and knobs, of course, broadband is not so strategic. Or if it is, we missed the train now ...
PS in the meantime the government was interested in the situation Pagnacco ( Pagnacco: now collecting signatures for broadband ).
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Which Wood Bats Are The Strongest?
The Verdict
Watch this video on YouTube:
Posted by iPhone
Watch this video on YouTube:
Posted by iPhone
Ati Radeon 9800 661 2912 -phone -number -lookup
seven works
18 December 2010 - February 16, 2011
opening Saturday, December 18, 2010 19:00
WAREHOUSE via the Prefects, 17 - 00186 Roma
18 December 2010 - February 16, 2011
opening Saturday, December 18, 2010 19:00
WAREHOUSE via the Prefects, 17 - 00186 Roma
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Orangeand Plasma Donations
bye Ba ...
My Father to my mother.
republish the text that my father wrote to my mother.
will I'll send the same to all those who knew him.
That 's what my father wanted, and this is his photo.
My father thanks you and the gift of this great love ...
bye Ba ...
My Father to my mother.
LLL Scala April 8, 2008
I regret not having you kissed
per hour. I regret
averti chiamato amore
ogni giorno della mia vita.
Mi pento di non
averti accarezzato il viso
in ogni momento.
Mi pento di non
averti detto sei bella
più volte nel dì.
Mi pento di non
aver fatto l’amore
dieci volte in un’ora.
Mi pento di non
aver fatto scivolare le mie
mani nei tuoi capelli fluenti.
Mi pento di non
averti asciugato le lacrime
calde con baci struggenti.
Mi pento di
averti amato sempre poco.
Mi pento di non
averti leccato le labbra
calde d’amore.
Mi pento di non
averti avuta per sempre
come amante nascosta.
Mi pento di averti
sometimes offended. I regret not
have you had enough.
I regret not having you dream every night.
I regret not having you mail in the wind,
in the sun, the sea.
I regret not loving you
day and night.
I regret not having you relied on for ever. I regret not
have you ever wondered
excuse enough.
I regret not having you
Thank you so much for choosing me as the only
love. I regret not
have you rewarded a hundredfold
I regret not having you
called by name.
I regret not having you
embraced. I repent of being
been bad at times.
I repent of having you hurt.
I regret everything.
I repent me because I did not
understand that you were everything to me.
I repent, I repent and still loving you
even shortly after death.
I repent that I bring you the envy
to be dead before me.
I regret not give it my all.
I am sorry to pray for you and very little
for myself.
I repent, I repent
not being with you. I am sorry to have you
left alone after death. I repent of being
still here.
I regret because I love you and you desperately
are not there.
I regret having little faith and a lot of selfishness.
I am sorry that you're happy and I still
are not. I repent of
be alone, but never
another can stay with me.
I am sorry because I will love you for eternity
and you still do not know.
I am sorry to have you said these things
today that are not there. But perhaps more
and attentive listening in silence with eyes
soul, deep breath
While I am sorry,
and I still regret that I did not regretted
enough in the good and bad.
per hour. I regret
averti chiamato amore
ogni giorno della mia vita.
Mi pento di non
averti accarezzato il viso
in ogni momento.
Mi pento di non
averti detto sei bella
più volte nel dì.
Mi pento di non
aver fatto l’amore
dieci volte in un’ora.
Mi pento di non
aver fatto scivolare le mie
mani nei tuoi capelli fluenti.
Mi pento di non
averti asciugato le lacrime
calde con baci struggenti.
Mi pento di
averti amato sempre poco.
Mi pento di non
averti leccato le labbra
calde d’amore.
Mi pento di non
averti avuta per sempre
come amante nascosta.
Mi pento di averti
sometimes offended. I regret not
have you had enough.
I regret not having you dream every night.
I regret not having you mail in the wind,
in the sun, the sea.
I regret not loving you
day and night.
I regret not having you relied on for ever. I regret not
have you ever wondered
excuse enough.
I regret not having you
Thank you so much for choosing me as the only
love. I regret not
have you rewarded a hundredfold
I regret not having you
called by name.
I regret not having you
embraced. I repent of being
been bad at times.
I repent of having you hurt.
I regret everything.
I repent me because I did not
understand that you were everything to me.
I repent, I repent and still loving you
even shortly after death.
I repent that I bring you the envy
to be dead before me.
I regret not give it my all.
I am sorry to pray for you and very little
for myself.
I repent, I repent
not being with you. I am sorry to have you
left alone after death. I repent of being
still here.
I regret because I love you and you desperately
are not there.
I regret having little faith and a lot of selfishness.
I am sorry that you're happy and I still
are not. I repent of
be alone, but never
another can stay with me.
I am sorry because I will love you for eternity
and you still do not know.
I am sorry to have you said these things
today that are not there. But perhaps more
and attentive listening in silence with eyes
soul, deep breath
While I am sorry,
and I still regret that I did not regretted
enough in the good and bad.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Burning Hands And Feet During Shower
mumble ... The Human Resources Manager
"The modern age is now over,
live in the inertia of opinion ..."
(John Lukacs)
add ... of others?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Military Camouflage Materials
A film by Eran Riklis. By Mark Ivan, Guri Alfi, Noah Silver, Rozina Cambos, Julian Negulesco. Bogdan Stanoevitch, Gila Almagor, Reymond Amsalem, Rosina Kambus, Yigal Sade, Bogdan E. Stanoevitch, Irina Petrescu, Papylus Panduru, Sylwia Drori, Roni Koren, Danna Semo, Ofir Weil original title The Human Resources Manager. Drama, 103 min duration. - Israel, Germany, France, 2010.
mean, I have to say that ... (no one would start a review like this, but I just shyness that comes from the feeling of all and gives me the security of what I write ...) I must say that this ... film, as well as the Book of Abraham Yehoshua which is taken as the various comments and the many reviews I've read, there is no trace of the place: Jerusalem.
Focus and key to any sequence of occurrence. Perhaps because discounted to some, perhaps insignificant to others but not for me. Jerusalem, the land where everyone wants to go even if there never was, the land of the communion of souls, the land where the embryo and the birth of spirituality is in place, the land of origin of all religions ... the humor in the movie if ever there is the depth of the survival and / or cynicism, which is not cynicism is truth mixed with concrete, mixed with humanity, mixed with what is right and what is in doubt, and / or corrects me rightly L. thought and intellect, the mental attitude of a writer like Yehoshua, eyes and the conduct and the way in which every jew faces and face life and death. A film and a book that utopias through the film or paper, addresses a large and unresolved union of love and the origins of world religions in the world. Great serenity leaving the cinema. Maybe because as he says M. a nation of sociopaths as Neapolitans have the dignity that resembles human ... almost ... that they understand instinctively the only spirituality of a chosen people who erect it is almost like the people they belong to disgraced ... .... smile.
rating: from 1 to 5
Focus and key to any sequence of occurrence. Perhaps because discounted to some, perhaps insignificant to others but not for me. Jerusalem, the land where everyone wants to go even if there never was, the land of the communion of souls, the land where the embryo and the birth of spirituality is in place, the land of origin of all religions ... the humor in the movie if ever there is the depth of the survival and / or cynicism, which is not cynicism is truth mixed with concrete, mixed with humanity, mixed with what is right and what is in doubt, and / or corrects me rightly L. thought and intellect, the mental attitude of a writer like Yehoshua, eyes and the conduct and the way in which every jew faces and face life and death. A film and a book that utopias through the film or paper, addresses a large and unresolved union of love and the origins of world religions in the world. Great serenity leaving the cinema. Maybe because as he says M. a nation of sociopaths as Neapolitans have the dignity that resembles human ... almost ... that they understand instinctively the only spirituality of a chosen people who erect it is almost like the people they belong to disgraced ... .... smile.
rating: from 1 to 5
Whats The Game Called With The Bunny
Dedicated to "single stubborn and single insecure"
Loneliness creates insecurity, but so does the relationship. In a report, you may feel insecure as you would without it, or worse. Changing only the names you give to your anxiety. The protagonists of this book are the men and women of our contemporaries, and who yearn for the safety of the combination a hand on which to counting from the moment of need. Yet they are the ones who are afraid to be caught up in stable relationships, and fear that a close result in charges that do not want or think they can bear.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why Do Guys Materbate With Socks
Nuovo regime di mantenimento
Web aquarium literature agrees that any changes to systems of fertilization in the aquarium plant to be weighed against long periods: weeks or months, not days. For this cerco sempre di apportare le modifiche gradualmente a meno che non si verifichino necessità di intervento immediato e drastico.
Il tentativo di riduzione effettuato in agosto è stato valutato dopo circa un mese e mi aveva portato a far ripartire la fertilizzazione con CO2 pur mantenendo ridotto di 1/3 il cambio dell'acqua.
Nelle due settimane successive al ripristino della CO2 ho notato un notevole aumento delle alghe dette "staghorn" e anche delle dust sui vetri. Dopo un mese dal ripristino della CO2 queste ultime sono notevolmente diminuite ma le staghorn rimangono presenti su alcuni tipi di piante in particolare sull'eleocharis che è molto sofferente.
Più che all'aumento della CO2 (che disadvantage should) assume that the algae is caused by an imbalance in the ratio N / P to the detriment of P. Then I'll have to slightly increase the dose of phosphate to evaluate this hypothesis.
When I restored the CO2, according to previous experiences, I estimated three weeks in the life of each vessel and then, as I will use two one-week delayed the start of the second to reach the average values \u200b\u200bare more stable. But I had the foresight to mark the date on the containers to carefully assess the durability and are able to establish that the first container has generated CO2 for 29 days. So if the thing will be out of phase will be repeated refills of 15 days in order to reduce the oscillations of CO2 as the following graph.
A positive surprise was that relating to diatoms. This type of "algae" because hard water has always been present in my aquarium covering the rocks and plants as tough as Anubias. The problem appeared as a dark patina very unpleasant to see. Now, probably due to reduced water change it seems that the dark patina has transformed into a substance more clear that the snails and shrimp in the aquarium are able to clean very quickly.
The result is that the leaves of anubias are coming fast and clean dark patina on the rock is pian piano sbiadendo.
In tutto questo tutti i pesci e gli invertebrati sembrano godere di piena salute senza alcuna reazione alle diverse condizioni.
Web aquarium literature agrees that any changes to systems of fertilization in the aquarium plant to be weighed against long periods: weeks or months, not days. For this cerco sempre di apportare le modifiche gradualmente a meno che non si verifichino necessità di intervento immediato e drastico.
Il tentativo di riduzione effettuato in agosto è stato valutato dopo circa un mese e mi aveva portato a far ripartire la fertilizzazione con CO2 pur mantenendo ridotto di 1/3 il cambio dell'acqua.
Nelle due settimane successive al ripristino della CO2 ho notato un notevole aumento delle alghe dette "staghorn" e anche delle dust sui vetri. Dopo un mese dal ripristino della CO2 queste ultime sono notevolmente diminuite ma le staghorn rimangono presenti su alcuni tipi di piante in particolare sull'eleocharis che è molto sofferente.
Più che all'aumento della CO2 (che disadvantage should) assume that the algae is caused by an imbalance in the ratio N / P to the detriment of P. Then I'll have to slightly increase the dose of phosphate to evaluate this hypothesis.
When I restored the CO2, according to previous experiences, I estimated three weeks in the life of each vessel and then, as I will use two one-week delayed the start of the second to reach the average values \u200b\u200bare more stable. But I had the foresight to mark the date on the containers to carefully assess the durability and are able to establish that the first container has generated CO2 for 29 days. So if the thing will be out of phase will be repeated refills of 15 days in order to reduce the oscillations of CO2 as the following graph.

A positive surprise was that relating to diatoms. This type of "algae" because hard water has always been present in my aquarium covering the rocks and plants as tough as Anubias. The problem appeared as a dark patina very unpleasant to see. Now, probably due to reduced water change it seems that the dark patina has transformed into a substance more clear that the snails and shrimp in the aquarium are able to clean very quickly.
The result is that the leaves of anubias are coming fast and clean dark patina on the rock is pian piano sbiadendo.
In tutto questo tutti i pesci e gli invertebrati sembrano godere di piena salute senza alcuna reazione alle diverse condizioni.

by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Middle School Initiation
Durante le ferie di agosto ho avuto il tempo di osservare un po' meglio l'acquario e di intervenire sulla conduzione.
Il mio intervento sul filtro continua, a mio parere, a contribuire, grazie ad un maggior apporto di ossigeno, all'assenza di alghe. Quindi per il momento continuerò a mantenere il tubo di rientro dell'acqua al di sotto della superficie.
Fra metà luglio e metà agosto ho tentato di ridurre progressivamente l'apporto di nutrienti eliminando l'anidride carbonica in yeast (dosavo Carbon Plus only) reduces to 1 / 4 the other nutrients except for potassium. The aim was not to save as to slightly reduce the rate of growth of the plants so you have to prune less frequently. In addition, the disposal in yeast was a prerequisite to maintain stable values \u200b\u200bof CO2.
In mid-August, after about a month after the experiment the plants showed obvious pain in particular to the basal leaves of stem plants.
The gradual resumption of fertilization has led to obvious shortcomings of CO2 by about a week so I restored the system of CO2 in yeast. The recovery was evident but at this point I'm back quasi al punto di partenza... sono riuscito solo a ridurre leggermente le dosi dei fertilizzanti e di 1/3 i cambi d'acqua portandoli da 15 a 10 litri alla settimana (2 cambi da 5 litri).
Come si vede dalla foto in questo momento non sto sviluppando alcun layout e mi accontento di mantenere l'impostazione che avevo dato di recente per ridurre a sinistra la presenza di piante a stelo. Purtroppo ho dei problemi con le piante a destra in quanto la Cardamine lyrata è di nuovo implosa (probabilmente a causa delle alte temperature) mentre la Ceratophyllum demersum sta invadendo tutto il lato destro. Per il momento ho deciso di operare un blando contenimento in attesa di decidere per l'eventuale inserimento of new plants or fish.
Durante le ferie di agosto ho avuto il tempo di osservare un po' meglio l'acquario e di intervenire sulla conduzione.
Il mio intervento sul filtro continua, a mio parere, a contribuire, grazie ad un maggior apporto di ossigeno, all'assenza di alghe. Quindi per il momento continuerò a mantenere il tubo di rientro dell'acqua al di sotto della superficie.
Fra metà luglio e metà agosto ho tentato di ridurre progressivamente l'apporto di nutrienti eliminando l'anidride carbonica in yeast (dosavo Carbon Plus only) reduces to 1 / 4 the other nutrients except for potassium. The aim was not to save as to slightly reduce the rate of growth of the plants so you have to prune less frequently. In addition, the disposal in yeast was a prerequisite to maintain stable values \u200b\u200bof CO2.
In mid-August, after about a month after the experiment the plants showed obvious pain in particular to the basal leaves of stem plants.
The gradual resumption of fertilization has led to obvious shortcomings of CO2 by about a week so I restored the system of CO2 in yeast. The recovery was evident but at this point I'm back quasi al punto di partenza... sono riuscito solo a ridurre leggermente le dosi dei fertilizzanti e di 1/3 i cambi d'acqua portandoli da 15 a 10 litri alla settimana (2 cambi da 5 litri).

Come si vede dalla foto in questo momento non sto sviluppando alcun layout e mi accontento di mantenere l'impostazione che avevo dato di recente per ridurre a sinistra la presenza di piante a stelo. Purtroppo ho dei problemi con le piante a destra in quanto la Cardamine lyrata è di nuovo implosa (probabilmente a causa delle alte temperature) mentre la Ceratophyllum demersum sta invadendo tutto il lato destro. Per il momento ho deciso di operare un blando contenimento in attesa di decidere per l'eventuale inserimento of new plants or fish.
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Friday, September 3, 2010
Trane Weathertron Thermostat With 8 Wires
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Intel Codless Web Camera
Riorganizzazione lato sinistro
For some 'time the aquarium had a look too full, which created considerable unease aesthetic. The proper balance and use of white space is, in my opinion, essential to achieve a harmonious whole.
At the same time the latest changes made to the filter led to an absence of algae and a good balance of chemistry for the aquarium when I was a bit 'reluctant to any change ...
Finally, last week, I decided: I have identified the problem in the left side with an excessive amount of Limnophila sessiliflora. Also at the left, the woods that were too wrapped up the hardscape verso il vetro frontale riducendo la profondità della composizione. Il principale ostacolo a rimediare questa situazione era dovuto alla presenza dell'Anubias abbarbicata al legno più vicino al vetro e con le radici ben interrate.
Per prima cosa ho provveduto ad una potatura dal basso di quasi tutta la Limnophila sessiflora. Ho recuperato la parte alta delle talee per ripiantumare il lato sinistro gettando la parte bassa più spoglia.
Poi, molto lentamente, ho iniziato a spostare il legno centrale e ruotarlo verso l'interno con l'Anubias ancorata. Grazie al fondo in akadama l'impresa è stata meno traumatica del previsto.
La rotazione del legno verso l'angolo posteriore sinistro ha ridotto lo spazio per la Limnophila per cui when I've had to discard some of replanting cuttings.
I completed the work pruning the 'Hemianthus micranthemoides, foreground, and Cardamine lyrata Ceratophyllum demersum and left. After a week
Ceratophyllum demersum has already grown back excessively while the 'Hemianthus micranthemoides hard to leave but the result is obtained in discrete space and composition is remarkable.
The photo is obviously not that of a composition over because I have not yet decided on a new layout that takes advantage of the space obtained and the plants are still suffering from the drastic pruning.
For some 'time the aquarium had a look too full, which created considerable unease aesthetic. The proper balance and use of white space is, in my opinion, essential to achieve a harmonious whole.
At the same time the latest changes made to the filter led to an absence of algae and a good balance of chemistry for the aquarium when I was a bit 'reluctant to any change ...
Finally, last week, I decided: I have identified the problem in the left side with an excessive amount of Limnophila sessiliflora. Also at the left, the woods that were too wrapped up the hardscape verso il vetro frontale riducendo la profondità della composizione. Il principale ostacolo a rimediare questa situazione era dovuto alla presenza dell'Anubias abbarbicata al legno più vicino al vetro e con le radici ben interrate.
Per prima cosa ho provveduto ad una potatura dal basso di quasi tutta la Limnophila sessiflora. Ho recuperato la parte alta delle talee per ripiantumare il lato sinistro gettando la parte bassa più spoglia.
Poi, molto lentamente, ho iniziato a spostare il legno centrale e ruotarlo verso l'interno con l'Anubias ancorata. Grazie al fondo in akadama l'impresa è stata meno traumatica del previsto.
La rotazione del legno verso l'angolo posteriore sinistro ha ridotto lo spazio per la Limnophila per cui when I've had to discard some of replanting cuttings.
I completed the work pruning the 'Hemianthus micranthemoides, foreground, and Cardamine lyrata Ceratophyllum demersum and left. After a week
Ceratophyllum demersum has already grown back excessively while the 'Hemianthus micranthemoides hard to leave but the result is obtained in discrete space and composition is remarkable.

The photo is obviously not that of a composition over because I have not yet decided on a new layout that takes advantage of the space obtained and the plants are still suffering from the drastic pruning.
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Cervix Feel Days Before Menstruation
Ossigeno e velocità del flusso
I read, recently, an article by Dr. Ole Pedersen, known associate of Tropica, entitled "Flow velocity Affects Internal Oxygen Conditions in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and available on their website . This study was carried out on a marine macrophyte but in the author's considerations also apply to freshwater macrophytes with roots.
The premise is that the macrophytes usually grow on anoxic sediments and the transport of oxygen from leaves to roots (and their radial dispersion) are needed to support aerobic metabolism and prevent the invasion of toxic substances from the sediment. During the daytime oxygen production is usually sufficient, but during the night can decline to the point that cause the plant in sofferenza.In quick study shows that under certain flow rate of water transport oxygen from leaves to roots decreases drastically.
This made me realize that the concerns that certain substrates determine anoxic zones is unfounded as this condition can be seen to be common to all funds. Moreover, whatever the fund an adequate oxygen saturation and an adequate flow velocity (around foliar apparatus) induce a release of O2 by the roots enough to oxygenate the substrate.
I asked on the forum Aquagarden if anyone had had experience in the aquarium to support of these theories. The responses were almost all favorable because:
- the introduction of pumps movement in all cases beneficial to the development of plants with immediate answers
- the presence of anoxic zones is not considered problem is in fact correctly attributed to them the conversion feature of waste substances in nutrient
However no one seems to have benefited from the introduction of oxygen through aerator, recommended among other things by Takashi Amano for the night phase of the photoperiod. It can be hypothesized that the lack of results might be due to the following factors:
- The amount of dissolved oxygen already close to saturation level in the aquarium in question.
- Low efficiency aerator with the benefits of the introduction of oxygen from the HF dispersion of CO2 due to increased water movement.
Facing the problem of summer heat with its decreasing concentration of oxygen in the tank I wanted to run tests by slightly changing the pump system: through regulator I increased the hourly flow and I applied a rubber tube on output (as in the photo) truncated obliquely so as to bring the ends under the water surface. This reduces the movement of surface and prevents loss of CO2.
Also on the top of this tube I have grafted a forza un tubo più piccolo leggermente inclinato. Questo tubo, sfruttando il minimo di effetto venturi presente, introduce dell'ossigeno nel flusso d'acqua.
Chiaramente il solo aumento della portata, che oltretutto verrà man mano ridotto dall'intasamento del materiale filtrante, non può portare gli stessi benefici di una pompa di movimento ma dovrebbe comunque migliorare la situazione.
I read, recently, an article by Dr. Ole Pedersen, known associate of Tropica, entitled "Flow velocity Affects Internal Oxygen Conditions in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and available on their website . This study was carried out on a marine macrophyte but in the author's considerations also apply to freshwater macrophytes with roots.
The premise is that the macrophytes usually grow on anoxic sediments and the transport of oxygen from leaves to roots (and their radial dispersion) are needed to support aerobic metabolism and prevent the invasion of toxic substances from the sediment. During the daytime oxygen production is usually sufficient, but during the night can decline to the point that cause the plant in sofferenza.In quick study shows that under certain flow rate of water transport oxygen from leaves to roots decreases drastically.
This made me realize that the concerns that certain substrates determine anoxic zones is unfounded as this condition can be seen to be common to all funds. Moreover, whatever the fund an adequate oxygen saturation and an adequate flow velocity (around foliar apparatus) induce a release of O2 by the roots enough to oxygenate the substrate.
I asked on the forum Aquagarden if anyone had had experience in the aquarium to support of these theories. The responses were almost all favorable because:
- the introduction of pumps movement in all cases beneficial to the development of plants with immediate answers
- the presence of anoxic zones is not considered problem is in fact correctly attributed to them the conversion feature of waste substances in nutrient
However no one seems to have benefited from the introduction of oxygen through aerator, recommended among other things by Takashi Amano for the night phase of the photoperiod. It can be hypothesized that the lack of results might be due to the following factors:
- The amount of dissolved oxygen already close to saturation level in the aquarium in question.
- Low efficiency aerator with the benefits of the introduction of oxygen from the HF dispersion of CO2 due to increased water movement.
Facing the problem of summer heat with its decreasing concentration of oxygen in the tank I wanted to run tests by slightly changing the pump system: through regulator I increased the hourly flow and I applied a rubber tube on output (as in the photo) truncated obliquely so as to bring the ends under the water surface. This reduces the movement of surface and prevents loss of CO2.
Also on the top of this tube I have grafted a forza un tubo più piccolo leggermente inclinato. Questo tubo, sfruttando il minimo di effetto venturi presente, introduce dell'ossigeno nel flusso d'acqua.
Chiaramente il solo aumento della portata, che oltretutto verrà man mano ridotto dall'intasamento del materiale filtrante, non può portare gli stessi benefici di una pompa di movimento ma dovrebbe comunque migliorare la situazione.
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
What Colors Are Used To Recycle
Acuavida Aquascaping contest 2010
Anche quest'anno, come lo scorso, ho partecipato all' AAC .
Il contest stà dimostrando livelli di qualità notevoli, il regolamento è chiaro, i risultati sono stati pubblicati puntualmente, the level of aquariums very high even if the number of participants is still far from that of 'IAPLC.
The results came out June 21 this year and the Italians have done a good figure:
- first place in the category of Pasquale Buonpane large aquariums (3rd place overall) with an aquarium that size bearing in mind a Iwagumi clearly the bridges with this type of style
- second place in the category of Ricardo Gallego Garcia aquariums average (5 th overall) with an aquarium that resembles those of early love.
- Massimo Faberi for third place among large aquariums (10 th overall).
also notable for the colors of Henry aquarium Serena (20 ° between the aquariums average).
My results this year I fully matches. Like last year I planted in mid-table (136 th overall out of 223 members) but at least, unlike last year, are not among the Italians finished last in the race (well 21).
With regard to the classification category is a 75 th place (out of 95) with 330 points. Even in this case, a result that satisfies me completely.
Beyond the score with the satisfaction derived from participating in a bath layout with a more mature and more developed, but even more from having achieved all this as natural evolution a tub without making the existing one for the occasion. Fodamentali suggestions were received in the forum for the pruning of Acquagarden ...
The aquarium a few days before the institution looked like this:
All the stones and the trunks were invisible and the set was far too full and stuffy ...
I got suggestions for a cut like this:
certainly very good but not fully implemented because they had the right side from the second floor of the holes very evident in the vegetation, with a pruning of this kind would upset the result.
so I preferred a simple pruning a V come aveva inizialmente suggerito Enrico Serena, e ho provveduto a liberare l'area davanti alla pietra centrale che ho anche rovesciato in quanto la superficie superiore era eccessivamente ricoperta dalle alghe.
Analizzando anche gli altri lavori presentati avrò senz'altro modo di migliorare anche il mio per il prossimo anno... nel frattempo aspetto per vedere se i risultati dell' IAPLC concorderanno con questi...
Anche quest'anno, come lo scorso, ho partecipato all' AAC .

The results came out June 21 this year and the Italians have done a good figure:
- first place in the category of Pasquale Buonpane large aquariums (3rd place overall) with an aquarium that size bearing in mind a Iwagumi clearly the bridges with this type of style
- second place in the category of Ricardo Gallego Garcia aquariums average (5 th overall) with an aquarium that resembles those of early love.
- Massimo Faberi for third place among large aquariums (10 th overall).
also notable for the colors of Henry aquarium Serena (20 ° between the aquariums average).
My results this year I fully matches. Like last year I planted in mid-table (136 th overall out of 223 members) but at least, unlike last year, are not among the Italians finished last in the race (well 21).

With regard to the classification category is a 75 th place (out of 95) with 330 points. Even in this case, a result that satisfies me completely.

Beyond the score with the satisfaction derived from participating in a bath layout with a more mature and more developed, but even more from having achieved all this as natural evolution a tub without making the existing one for the occasion. Fodamentali suggestions were received in the forum for the pruning of Acquagarden ...
The aquarium a few days before the institution looked like this:

I got suggestions for a cut like this:

so I preferred a simple pruning a V come aveva inizialmente suggerito Enrico Serena, e ho provveduto a liberare l'area davanti alla pietra centrale che ho anche rovesciato in quanto la superficie superiore era eccessivamente ricoperta dalle alghe.

Analizzando anche gli altri lavori presentati avrò senz'altro modo di migliorare anche il mio per il prossimo anno... nel frattempo aspetto per vedere se i risultati dell' IAPLC concorderanno con questi...
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hydroxycut V.s. Slimquick
Stick Vodafone evil
We report here the reporting of a reader:
"I took the key to 10 € per month. I have breached the 19 hours in two months (ie 8.5 hours more per month) and I ended up paying well 87 € instead of 'the canons that I had to pay € 20 for two months and browsing 30 hours per month included.
Just stay within a little and the amount to pay and' salty. The shots are a quarter of an hour so if you are linked account for 15 2 minutes you, if you are connected 16 minutes you can count 30. It always goes to the upper quarter of an hour. Be more hours with this way of counting is unfortunately very easy. "
Eye to stick so
We report here the reporting of a reader:
"I took the key to 10 € per month. I have breached the 19 hours in two months (ie 8.5 hours more per month) and I ended up paying well 87 € instead of 'the canons that I had to pay € 20 for two months and browsing 30 hours per month included.
Just stay within a little and the amount to pay and' salty. The shots are a quarter of an hour so if you are linked account for 15 2 minutes you, if you are connected 16 minutes you can count 30. It always goes to the upper quarter of an hour. Be more hours with this way of counting is unfortunately very easy. "
Eye to stick so
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Baby Shampoo No Phthalates
Ho sempre identificato il muschio del mio acquario come Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java Moss) in quanto come tale mi era stato venduto.
Osservando le foto di vari acquari ho però notato che la crescita del Taxiphyllum barbieri is more horizontal than that of my moss as soon as possible, it tends to grow upwards. Consult the site
Aquamoss that, in my opinion, is the most complete on the subject, I have tried to identify in detail by analyzing the moss from its structure.
The lack of branching and leaves me to prevent a relatively small membership of the genera and Vesicularia Fissidens but seems to confirm the membership of the kind Taxiphyllum. But I have noticed the similarity with the typical growth of Leptodictyum riparium (stringy Moss) ... the following photo taken from the site Aquamoss compare, order,
Vesicularia dubyana, barbers and Taxiphyllum Leptodictyum riparium.
The photo does not fully resolve the doubt in that, only by comparing the structure of the moss in my possession which could be either Java stringy moss.
I then tried to compare the "leaves" of moss in my possession with those of the two mosses above (Java and stringy).
maximize the pictures of my moss you see the "leaves" approximately lanceolate (subsequent microscopic observation confirms this observation by showing greatly elongated leaves:
that resemble those of Leptodictyum riparium:
and much less to those of the barbers who Taxiphyllum sonopiù court and "rounded"
So both the structure and the type of growth would seem to confirm that what is in my possession Leptodictyum riparium. This does not significantly alter the method of cultivation as it is a moss that supports environmental characteristics similar to Taxiphyllum barbers, instead change the rules for use in the aquarium as much vertical development, which I actually found, makes it more suitable for a background compared to the cultivation on wood or a focal point in the foreground.
Ho sempre identificato il muschio del mio acquario come Taxiphyllum barbieri (Java Moss) in quanto come tale mi era stato venduto.
Osservando le foto di vari acquari ho però notato che la crescita del Taxiphyllum barbieri is more horizontal than that of my moss as soon as possible, it tends to grow upwards. Consult the site
Aquamoss that, in my opinion, is the most complete on the subject, I have tried to identify in detail by analyzing the moss from its structure.
Vesicularia dubyana, barbers and Taxiphyllum Leptodictyum riparium.
I then tried to compare the "leaves" of moss in my possession with those of the two mosses above (Java and stringy).
maximize the pictures of my moss you see the "leaves" approximately lanceolate (subsequent microscopic observation confirms this observation by showing greatly elongated leaves:

that resemble those of Leptodictyum riparium:
and much less to those of the barbers who Taxiphyllum sonopiù court and "rounded"
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What Does New Jersey Driver's Licence Look Like
Controllo delle alghe
In a 2009 article in the old in his forum, Tom Barr, emphasizes the fact that the different systems of fertilization are often proposed as methods to combat algae when in fact only be understood as methods for growing plants.
He stresses that arise from this basic misunderstanding of many of the problems encountered by aquarists and that the only way to solve this problem is to return to the basic application, or "What causes the growth of algae?".
Beyond the fact that the premise could be questioned, as a better growth of the plant is almost always an unfavorable environment for algae, some of the points raised are certainly interesting.
The first is that there is una risposta unica al quesito in quanto esistono moltissimi tipi e specie di alghe con esigenze specifiche per ciascuna specie.
Questo concetto è ovvio ma viene spesso dimenticato e nelle discussioni che avvengono su internet si tende a generalizzare o al limite ad individuare vagamente la tipologia di alga.
Nell'articolo si mette in luce come, in alla legge di Liebig molti ritenendo la PO4 essere la causa principale delle alghe cerchino di limitarla in modo da togliere nutrimento alle stesse.
Viene fatto notare che l'eccesso di PO4 non può essere considerato una causa primaria in quanto si possono trovare molti esempi di acquari con (relativamente) forti concentrazioni di PO4 e la completa assenza di alghe e viceversa aquariums PO4 limited and strong algal ... PO4 then not only can not be considered the primary cause (if in excess) but not the limiting factor for algae. From here
Tom Barr explained that most influence with respect to the dosage of CO2 has PO4. In particular shows that, even in pools in which the CO2 is not limiting, it is possible to induce an algal bloom suddenly changing the dosage of the same.
The phenomenon is greater the more often you make changes ... and the end result is always the greater adaptability of the algae from the plants to sudden environmental changes.
This coincides with an observation made several times in my aquarium and confirmed A recent (yet another) occurs. About three months ago, I forgot to reload the small tank of CO2 (a yeast) and when I realized that the emission of carbon dioxide was zero, a bit 'out of laziness, partly' because the plants did not show signs of distress , a little 'because however Doso carbon in liquid form I decided not to refill them.
Within a couple of months, during which there was no added CO2 with yeast, algae, the situation was greatly improved. As a double for a couple of weeks I restarted the CO2 and algae are back (filamentous, staghorn, and BBA).
I do not think that CO2 causes algae but it is likely that, as the yeast system is absolutely non-adjustable variations due to it are more harmful than the benefit resulting from the addition of CO2.
Tom Barr himself insists (trying to translate word for word): "As long as CO2 is stable and does not change / vary too much from week to week the plants should continue to and thrive, small but free from algae. "
analysis extremes then the problem is recommended, in low tech aquarium, CO2 without changing the water more frequently than a month since the weekly changes were due to peaks of CO2 that would promote algae.
Again, my observations coincide because, although it does not get to experience change monthly or even every two months, I noticed that the best results I obtained with two small weekly changes rather than more massive changes weekly or fortnightly. Probably my system, increasing the frequency and reducing the quantity, the peak level of variation.
Tom, with a subsequent post, extensive analysis with other nutrients, and notes that increasing the NH4 is possible to induce an "algae bloom". Your point however is that this phenomenon does not generate an increase in other types of algae and therefore should be considered only direct cause for this phenomenon.
With regard to the Redfield Ratio linking P and N in the article mentioning i lavori di Anderson che in merito spiega come il RR sia un parametro abusato in quanto esso è un valore medio calcolato su scale ampie di spazio, tempo, volumi e tipi di alghe e andrebbe ricondotto almeno a valori specifici per le specie osservate. ..
In a 2009 article in the old in his forum, Tom Barr, emphasizes the fact that the different systems of fertilization are often proposed as methods to combat algae when in fact only be understood as methods for growing plants.
He stresses that arise from this basic misunderstanding of many of the problems encountered by aquarists and that the only way to solve this problem is to return to the basic application, or "What causes the growth of algae?".
Beyond the fact that the premise could be questioned, as a better growth of the plant is almost always an unfavorable environment for algae, some of the points raised are certainly interesting.
The first is that there is una risposta unica al quesito in quanto esistono moltissimi tipi e specie di alghe con esigenze specifiche per ciascuna specie.
Questo concetto è ovvio ma viene spesso dimenticato e nelle discussioni che avvengono su internet si tende a generalizzare o al limite ad individuare vagamente la tipologia di alga.
Nell'articolo si mette in luce come, in alla legge di Liebig molti ritenendo la PO4 essere la causa principale delle alghe cerchino di limitarla in modo da togliere nutrimento alle stesse.
Viene fatto notare che l'eccesso di PO4 non può essere considerato una causa primaria in quanto si possono trovare molti esempi di acquari con (relativamente) forti concentrazioni di PO4 e la completa assenza di alghe e viceversa aquariums PO4 limited and strong algal ... PO4 then not only can not be considered the primary cause (if in excess) but not the limiting factor for algae. From here
Tom Barr explained that most influence with respect to the dosage of CO2 has PO4. In particular shows that, even in pools in which the CO2 is not limiting, it is possible to induce an algal bloom suddenly changing the dosage of the same.
The phenomenon is greater the more often you make changes ... and the end result is always the greater adaptability of the algae from the plants to sudden environmental changes.
This coincides with an observation made several times in my aquarium and confirmed A recent (yet another) occurs. About three months ago, I forgot to reload the small tank of CO2 (a yeast) and when I realized that the emission of carbon dioxide was zero, a bit 'out of laziness, partly' because the plants did not show signs of distress , a little 'because however Doso carbon in liquid form I decided not to refill them.
Within a couple of months, during which there was no added CO2 with yeast, algae, the situation was greatly improved. As a double for a couple of weeks I restarted the CO2 and algae are back (filamentous, staghorn, and BBA).
I do not think that CO2 causes algae but it is likely that, as the yeast system is absolutely non-adjustable variations due to it are more harmful than the benefit resulting from the addition of CO2.
Tom Barr himself insists (trying to translate word for word): "As long as CO2 is stable and does not change / vary too much from week to week the plants should continue to and thrive, small but free from algae. "
analysis extremes then the problem is recommended, in low tech aquarium, CO2 without changing the water more frequently than a month since the weekly changes were due to peaks of CO2 that would promote algae.
Again, my observations coincide because, although it does not get to experience change monthly or even every two months, I noticed that the best results I obtained with two small weekly changes rather than more massive changes weekly or fortnightly. Probably my system, increasing the frequency and reducing the quantity, the peak level of variation.
Tom, with a subsequent post, extensive analysis with other nutrients, and notes that increasing the NH4 is possible to induce an "algae bloom". Your point however is that this phenomenon does not generate an increase in other types of algae and therefore should be considered only direct cause for this phenomenon.
With regard to the Redfield Ratio linking P and N in the article mentioning i lavori di Anderson che in merito spiega come il RR sia un parametro abusato in quanto esso è un valore medio calcolato su scale ampie di spazio, tempo, volumi e tipi di alghe e andrebbe ricondotto almeno a valori specifici per le specie osservate. ..
by Rudi Giacomini Pilon
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