yes, Wim Delvoye, a famous "artist" contemporary, invented it.
for the record that he has tattooed pigs, or did the x-ray of a blow job ....

but we return to our sewers, as the name says it all ....
in practice is a machine that converts food into poo ...and was described as works of art!!
in practice they are discussing whether it should cost more than you pay for the dish ...
oh, everyone throws away money as he wishes them eh ...
vabbeh, here is the video also with other goodies Wim Delvoye (I was fascinated with the ducks!).
se qualcuno dovesse essere interessato ad un'opera d'arte che esce dalla "cloaca" non esitate a contattarmi, ho varie ehm... conoscenze... e vi potrei procurare l'oggetto di culto per la metà del prezzo richiesto da Delvoye!
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