..ma tutti fanno finta di niente!

Direttore Responsabile del mensile MARK UP
Una sera di luglio mi sono fermato a guardare in tivù, fra un diluvio di repliche, una premiazione dove alcuni personaggi, sempre gli stessi, Conti, Costanzo, Vespa, Lasorella ecc., si intervistavano e complimentavano self-referential jokes with each other. I asked anyone really believe that people watch this stuff? It was like a hallucination, a ballet of ghosts from the world forgot. The program was peppered with commercials for hundreds of thousands of euro, which some investors had pagato.Ho many friends who watch more television years. Or rather, like many others, cast a look distracted while doing other things here and there. And you? When did you put in front of the TV to see something specific, a program, a talk show, a variety show? Everyone says that their schedules are terrible, disgusting programs. Not for snobbery. None of us, for any reason, ever talks about TV programs with friends or social occasions. Not worth the trouble to talk about it.
Everything has fallen to a level so low and stupid that we are ashamed to mention it. Possible that no one has noticed? Because this is what's really important: television has ceased to be a social phenomenon, a form of entertainment. has become something to be ashamed of. Many avoid it. Many have ceased to feed it to the lowest form of curiosity. Television is no longer anyone or anything. It does not affect most programs of leisure time, or families, or individuals. Do not care any more than those who work there and we profit from above.
All other "can not care less di meno”. Per anni la gente ha comprato i videoregistratori, ma solo per guardare i film in cassetta, come ora il Dvd. Conoscete qualcuno che registri qualche programma televisivo? Poi ci hanno riempito la testa con internet. Dovevano arrivare immagini da tutto il mondo. Ma solo ora la banda larga comincia a funzionare e comunque in mezza Italia non c’è. Solo qualche fanatico nel globo si scambia spezzoni di televisione da un paese all’altro. Adesso ci bombardano con le “tecnologie mobili”. Ma le uniche immagini che corrono sui telefonini sono quelle erotiche o di ragazzi ciucchi e “fumati” delle discoteche.
La televisione “on demand”? Peggio che andar di notte. Non ha mai funzionato, ma insistono to tell us what will be the television of the future. Every other day, and no one comes to tell us about any trombone interactive TV. But where? But when? Even if all these beauties take off, however they are worth zero if no one buys them.
technology gurus fill their mouths with the "content". But if the contents are horrific and demented, those who buy them? But if I were able to access movies and television programs in digital format from all over the world, selecting and incorporating what I'm interested in computer memory, become the provider of information technology guru myself and where to get their money?
The "net" for young people is much more important and useful television. Young people do not watch television. Do you think that someone between 12 and 30 years in these summer evenings he spent just one night watching television? If there is, please let me know, will elect the phenomenon of the year. For very large sections of the population "watching television" is now an old-fashioned pastime, stuff for old people and pensioners rincitrulliti. The very idea of \u200b\u200bwaiting a week to see the episode of a program is absurd. this is the terrible reality of the "television experience."
Television "continues to go" as a refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioning. But no one "looks" veramente. Che gli editori televisivi privati e la tivù di Stato facciano finta di niente è normale. Che le agenzie di pubblicità, i centri media, le case di produzione facciano lo stesso è comprensibile. Ma gli imprenditori che finanziano tutto il sistema perché lo fanno?
Serate a ecto-plasma.
Everything has fallen to a level so low and stupid that we are ashamed to mention it. Possible that no one has noticed? Because this is what's really important: television has ceased to be a social phenomenon, a form of entertainment. has become something to be ashamed of. Many avoid it. Many have ceased to feed it to the lowest form of curiosity. Television is no longer anyone or anything. It does not affect most programs of leisure time, or families, or individuals. Do not care any more than those who work there and we profit from above.
All other "can not care less di meno”. Per anni la gente ha comprato i videoregistratori, ma solo per guardare i film in cassetta, come ora il Dvd. Conoscete qualcuno che registri qualche programma televisivo? Poi ci hanno riempito la testa con internet. Dovevano arrivare immagini da tutto il mondo. Ma solo ora la banda larga comincia a funzionare e comunque in mezza Italia non c’è. Solo qualche fanatico nel globo si scambia spezzoni di televisione da un paese all’altro. Adesso ci bombardano con le “tecnologie mobili”. Ma le uniche immagini che corrono sui telefonini sono quelle erotiche o di ragazzi ciucchi e “fumati” delle discoteche.
La televisione “on demand”? Peggio che andar di notte. Non ha mai funzionato, ma insistono to tell us what will be the television of the future. Every other day, and no one comes to tell us about any trombone interactive TV. But where? But when? Even if all these beauties take off, however they are worth zero if no one buys them.
technology gurus fill their mouths with the "content". But if the contents are horrific and demented, those who buy them? But if I were able to access movies and television programs in digital format from all over the world, selecting and incorporating what I'm interested in computer memory, become the provider of information technology guru myself and where to get their money?
The "net" for young people is much more important and useful television. Young people do not watch television. Do you think that someone between 12 and 30 years in these summer evenings he spent just one night watching television? If there is, please let me know, will elect the phenomenon of the year. For very large sections of the population "watching television" is now an old-fashioned pastime, stuff for old people and pensioners rincitrulliti. The very idea of \u200b\u200bwaiting a week to see the episode of a program is absurd. this is the terrible reality of the "television experience."
Television "continues to go" as a refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioning. But no one "looks" veramente. Che gli editori televisivi privati e la tivù di Stato facciano finta di niente è normale. Che le agenzie di pubblicità, i centri media, le case di produzione facciano lo stesso è comprensibile. Ma gli imprenditori che finanziano tutto il sistema perché lo fanno?
Serate a ecto-plasma.
- Quando si potrà guardare in qualsiasi momento, in qualsiasi luogo, un film o un programma proveniente da qualsiasi parte del mondo, la televisione sarà un reperto dell’età della pietra.
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