RAI How can use our money to give to € 1,060,000 Hunziker?! In Italy
an increasingly hungry and in difficulties with the work that is increasingly becoming a mirage even for graduates, RAI will allow you to use our money (the money of poor people) to pay to € 1,060,000 and Hunziker € 750,000 Pippo Baudo !?!!!! RAI
How can justify this shameful act?! Perhaps there are no words.
Some people say that money is justified by the high professionalism of
Hunziker, others argue that they needed to tear it to Mediaset, the fact is that is our money that could otherwise be used (see roads, schools and hospitals).
You could avoid all this with the famous roof of 250 000 €, but you have not done, on the Minister Luigi Nicolais
that you remain the '
' who had just launched " the roof of 250 000 € for the fees that are charged to the government '

Perhaps the time has come to understand that the right and left (never really existed) are the two wings of the same vulture. The most dangerous thing for this system is that people will wake up from this nightmare, which include fraud for decades and are experiencing serious rebel. Because if it is not a scam, as you might call that a dancer (and singer out of tune) Take, for 5 miserable evening television, a fee of over one million euro ?!?!!
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