Anche quest'anno, come lo scorso, ho partecipato all' AAC .

The results came out June 21 this year and the Italians have done a good figure:
- first place in the category of Pasquale Buonpane large aquariums (3rd place overall) with an aquarium that size bearing in mind a Iwagumi clearly the bridges with this type of style
- second place in the category of Ricardo Gallego Garcia aquariums average (5 th overall) with an aquarium that resembles those of early love.
- Massimo Faberi for third place among large aquariums (10 th overall).
also notable for the colors of Henry aquarium Serena (20 ° between the aquariums average).
My results this year I fully matches. Like last year I planted in mid-table (136 th overall out of 223 members) but at least, unlike last year, are not among the Italians finished last in the race (well 21).

With regard to the classification category is a 75 th place (out of 95) with 330 points. Even in this case, a result that satisfies me completely.

Beyond the score with the satisfaction derived from participating in a bath layout with a more mature and more developed, but even more from having achieved all this as natural evolution a tub without making the existing one for the occasion. Fodamentali suggestions were received in the forum for the pruning of Acquagarden ...
The aquarium a few days before the institution looked like this:

I got suggestions for a cut like this:

so I preferred a simple pruning a V come aveva inizialmente suggerito Enrico Serena, e ho provveduto a liberare l'area davanti alla pietra centrale che ho anche rovesciato in quanto la superficie superiore era eccessivamente ricoperta dalle alghe.

Analizzando anche gli altri lavori presentati avrò senz'altro modo di migliorare anche il mio per il prossimo anno... nel frattempo aspetto per vedere se i risultati dell' IAPLC concorderanno con questi...